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7つの方針 大阪で一番選ばれるインターナショナルスクールへ

RAINBOW International Schoolでは、

At Rainbow International Preschool, we hold 7 clear objectives to support and nurture growth in your children.






“The son of a doctor will also become a doctor.” This talent seems to be based on heredity alone and some might say this way of thinking is important. However, it is mistaken. Knowledge about the science of the brain dictates that we are all born with the same possibilities, but the difference is in what follows birth: study, education and environment all play an important role.



High-quality English education through the application of native English speakers as teachers and Japanese as teacher assistants.


2011年から、日本でもようやく公立小学校で英語の授業が実施される事になりました。5・6年生からの週1回、年間35時間です。しかも、訳読中心の学習では効果はあまり望めません。2020年小学校3,4年生から週1回程度、年間35時間と定められています。 外国語を身につけるには幼少期から始めるのが良いことは、最近の研究でもはっきりしています。

Children first learn through listening. By listening repeatedly everyday from early child hood, the language circuits needed to master a language are formed in their brain. The period of a child’s life up to 6 years old is the most critical time to develop language skills. The more they listen, the more they absorb like a sponge. We use the latest English education that emphasizes phonics, child care and life coaching taught in English. Beginning in 2001, Japan has finally executed English classes in public schools. These classes are typically offered in the 5th or 6th grades and only total 35 hours per year. Oral translation will not do much to improve a child’s English ability. Recent research has clearly proved that starting from early childhood is the most effective way for children to learn foreign languages. JAPEC Level 1 is expected by the time they graduate, and they will be prepared for Eiken Level 5 up to Level 3.0



Through right brain and left brain-specific exercises, stimulation of your child’s full brain capacity can be achieved.

芸術・音楽・理科・社会・算数をはじめ、ひらがな・カタカナ・漢字・ドッツカー ド・絵カード・時計カード・元素カード等あらゆるカードを取り入れて右脳・左脳教育を実施。


From 1 to 3 years old the curriculum for children is in 15 minute increments, uses a quick tempo, and it is designed to be enjoyable and to keep the children from becoming bored or tired. Subjects covered include art, music, science, social studies, mathematics, right brain and left brain education.Our curriculum incorporates Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji, dot cards, picture cards, clock cards, and elemental cards. High IQ, quick thinking, and memory capability are learned, and the character building of rich susceptibility is aimed.



Begin at an early age a thirst for education that lasts a lifetime.



Kids will learn over their lifetime in a stress free environment and also learn in a way that is fun and playful in early childhood. When this becomes a habit, their concentration will last well into adulthood without any difficulty. We want the children to learn and know that there are many great things.



By making English a pleasure, Students can make much of what they learn.




It is important that children have fun while learning during their childhood. Children are proud of getting accepted. To help children feel accepted we emphasize giving children individual goals in order to motivate them.This is the most important factor for children to improve rapidly, and to give them the confidence to take on more difficult challenges.



Because there is a trial period of one month, you can see we are reliable. (1 week; 3-5 days OK)

そこでレインボーではお試し期間として「最初の1ヵ月間(各月の末締め)の授業料だけを頂戴して、もしその期間内でレインボーに合わないと感じられた方は、入園金・年会費・施設費等を一切お支払い頂 かなくても結構です。」というシステムを設けました。

Although we consider getting children to study English happily a top priority, I feel that it is very difficult for all the guardians to feel satisfied. Therefore we offer a one month trial period where only the initial months’ tuition is to be paid. If after the one month trial, Rainbow International School isn’t a good fit no additional costs will be incurred (entrance money, annual fee, facility cost, etc.).We offer this system to help eliminate the stereotype that international schools are expensive and only for children of wealthier people.



Stay type international school. (Perfect for working mothers.




To help moms be able to work from 8AM to 6PM. In response to the voices of parents who want to balance work and child-rearing / education or greater purpose.



The actualization of an international preschool that parents can trust in and rely on.




保育者(先生・個人)の主観に偏らないよう、行動の変化等を記録し、ご家庭と 情報交換を重視します。

As a father of three children, it was hard to leave my small children in the care of other people. In the end my fears were alleviated because there were expert teachers and qualified and Japanese assistants with licenses in child care. At first, most kids cry in sight near the mother. This is unavoidable and is a natural behavior. Childcare suitable for the child is carried out also in such a situation. Details of a child’s behavior and appearance are reported to guardians in as much detail as possible. Any change in behavior is recorded. Information exchange with a child’s family is regarded as important. The exchange of information also needs to be balanced so that it may not incline toward the caretaker’s subjectivity.